here's what the notes inside said, "this cd is the second offering on my minner bucket label. there will be 100 handmade copies. on august 14, 1998, i drove to LA from eugene oregon. it took me two days to get there. only 9 people showed up. i had two hollywood agent types on the list. i haven't heard a peep out of either one since that show. in a moment, the results of that trial." i drove all the way down there {look at a map} and lost my ass on the deal. however, i figured out a way of generating 2500 bucks really quickly. at the end of the show, the sound guy handed me a tape of the set. i made them into cds at home and hand drew some covers, and there you go. i'll never forget how the club interface person met me at the door and said, "i don't have to tell you that response has NOT been great to your being here tonight." things went downhill from there pretty quickly. i tried to just leave, i told him "well i'll just split." he didn't like that answer either. he didn't want me to be there and he didn't want me to NOT be there. anyways, creativity wins. SOLD OUT