this was the first release i had where i had them pro-duped. 1000 cds were made, again with a hand drawn cover, which featured a caricature of me drawn by bill frisell that got sent to me on a postcard. i made it in 1999. at the time i had become obsessed with sample based music. and was using a piece of gear called the akai mpc. this record was kind of a companion piece to the final bad liver record, blood and mood, probably the most troublesome record we ever did for our fans and business associates, but years later proved to be our most forward thinking, commercial, and artistically successful recording we ever made. funny how that works. i learned in making that record, that if folks are whining, you probably are doing something good. both of these records were made with the mpc. this was the record where i kind of realized that straight up interpretations of folk music and bluegrass and country, were just something i was not interested in. that i had something more to give, and that i had my very own vision of music that didn't need propping up by a label, band, or even an audience. these kinds of records get made because they have to get made.
1. Everything's For Sale
2. Peanut Butter is a Man's Best Friend
3. Hey Baby, I'm Falling
4. Truth Got Kicked
5. Flat Head in a Phillips World
6. Love is Tumblin' Down
7. If You Would Die Then I Could Eat
8. I'm Not in the Swiss Army, I Just Have the Knife